Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Invocation to Saint Joseph

Invocation given to Mario D'Ignazio on February 7, 2024


Holy Spouse of Mary, Guardian of the Holy Family, protect the Little Flock under Your Holy Mantle, to whom we are devoted. Saint Joseph, Terror of demons, help us in this struggle against the pagan world. Sustain us, protect Italy from spiritual catastrophe. Make us meekly welcome Fatima who continues in Brindisi. Bless our homes and deliver them from divisive demons. Give us Peace, intercede for us of the Little Flock, Remnant and Mystical Church. Give us grace to love and honor Thee. Convert us soon to Jesus the Redeemer. St. Joseph, Guardian of the Little Remnant, enlighten us. Amen.


